You met this little guy's mama a few months ago. He arrived safe and sound and even a tad bit early! And he is adorable--I hate to admit it, but I did get a little bit of the "newborn-itch" holding this little guy.
I like this first shot--because they are tiny for such a short amount of time. His head fits in her hands--tiny.

I like to put babies on blankets with "stories". Maybe it came from a grandma, a friend---someday the blanket will be gone, but the picture will remain.

This one just makes me smile....its almost like he needs one of those wrestling masks that his brothers have. It looks like he's flexing his little muscles in triumph! That....or he's pooping. :)

P.S....Leave a comment and say hi. I have a tracker on here...but some places I don't know if I know anybody from there!! So say hi if you read this! :) Thanks--Liz